Mafatshe Tony Mogoai ‘Fisto’

Mafatshe Tony Mogoai ‘Fisto’

Mafatshe Tony Mogoai ‘Fisto’

Radio Host

Thursday, 12pm – 3pm (Show name: Urban Edge Masterclass):

Mafatshe Tony Mogoai, known as The Discmaster, Mafatshe has experience spanning over two decades and has played many roles in radio as presenter, producer and corporate strategist.

At ease in both music and talk shows, The Discmaster is the complete broadcaster and considers himself a student of this ancient medium, radio.

He joins the Magnificent 7 team that host the UE Masterclass 12pm – 3pm, as he presents The Midweek Recharge on Thursdays – Only On Urban Edge, Not Just Radio. Feel free to call him Fisto.
